This article contains important information to read before you install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 4 (SP4). It describes how to obtain the service pack, the list of fixes included in the service pack, how to select the correct download based on your currently installed version, and a list of copyright attributions for the product.Note This article serves as a single source of information for finding all documentation related to this service pack. It includes all the information that you previously used to find in the release notes and Readme.txt files.
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 service packs are cumulative updates and SQL Server 2008 SP4 upgrade all editions and service levels of SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2008 SP4.This service pack contains fixes from all Cumulative Updates that were released since SP3 for SQL Server 2008. For a full list of fixes from various cumulative updates since SP3, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.
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Download File:
2629969 The SQL Server 2008 builds that were released after SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 was released In addition to the Cumulative Update fixes, this service pack also includes the following fixes.
The SQL Server 2008 SP4 download page contains the system requirements for installing SQL Server 2008 SP4 and basic installation instructions. For additional documentation about how to upgrade installed SQL Server 2008 components with a SQL Server 2008 servicing update, see SQL Server 2008 Servicing Documentation.For more information about how to install SQL Server 2008, see SQL Server 2008 Installation.Use the following table to identify the location and name of the file to download based on your currently installed version. Download pages provide system requirements and basic installation instructions.
A 32-bit version of only the client and manageability tools for SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 SP1 (including SQL Server 2008 Management Studio) or SQL Server 2008 SP2 (including SQL Server 2008 Management Studio) or SQL Server 2008 SP3 (including SQL Server 2008 Management Studio)
A 32-bit version of SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express or SQL Server 2008 SP1 Management Studio Express or SQL Server 2008 SP2 Management Studio Express or SQL Server 2008 SP3 Management Studio
A 64-bit version of only the client and manageability tools for SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 SP1 (including SQL Server 2008 Management Studio) or SQL Server 2008 SP2 (including SQL Server 2008 Management Studio) or SQL Server 2008 SP3 (including SQL Server 2008 Management Studio)
A 64-bit version of SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express or SQL Server 2008 SP1 Management Studio Express or SQL Server 2008 SP2 Management Studio Express or SQL Server 2008 SP3 Management Studio
This how-to guide explains how to download and install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or SSMS. The latest version of SSMS is now 18.2. You can use this connect to the SQL Server versions 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2008 & 2008 R2
You manage shared schedules by using the Shared Schedules folder, and manage report server databases (ReportServer, ReportServerTempdb). You also create a RSExecRole in the Master system database when you move a report server database to a new or different SQL Server Database Engine. For more information about these tasks, see the following articles:
About Wonderware Application Server 2012 (version 3.5) Antivirus Software Exclusions Minimum Hardware Requirements Software Requirements and CompatibilityUsing Wonderware Application Server with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Upgrading to Wonderware Application Server 2012 (version 3.5) Migrating to Wonderware Application Server 2012 (version 3.5)Resolved Issues - Wonderware Application Server 2012 (version 3.5)Known Issues - Wonderware Application Server 2012 (version 3.5)Wonderware Application Server Documentation IssuesWonderware Application Server Documentation
The hardware requirements for using the Alarm Client and Trend Client at run time are the same as for the InTouch HMI version 10.1 run time. Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems and SQL Server 2008 impose hardware requirements that may exceed the minimum requirements for Wonderware Application Server 3.5. If you intend to install Wonderware Application Server 3.5 on a computer running Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or SQL Server 2008, see the following Microsoft Web sites for hardware requirements:
The following table lists the supported operating systems that can be installed on computers running as Wonderware Application Server development, application, and GR nodes. Development and application nodes are considered to be clients of the server GR node.
In Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and later operating systems, DDE is supported only on a local node. Windows Server 2008, as with Windows Vista, does not support NetDDE. ArchestrA Symbols use the client layer when accessing InTouch tags and appear as a third-party client trying to access WindowViewer as a data server. Therefore the use of NetDDE for communication is not supported and not recommended.
SQL Server 2008 does not automatically create the BUILTIN\Administrators role delivered in SQL Server 2005. Because of this change to SQL Server, the Wonderware Application Server 3.5 installation process will create the necessary operating system user group (aaAdministrators) as well as the necessary SQL Server role. This automated process will provide the rights required to allow operations within the Galaxy Repository without the need for blanket BUILTIN\Administrator rights. The aaAdministrators group must be present and enabled. If you accidentally delete the aaAdministrators group from the Windows operating system, you can run either of two options to restore it:
The other third-party software required for Wonderware Application Server version 3.5 is Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. This must be installed on every computer that hosts a Wonderware Application Server component. The GR node will require .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 if it is being installed with SQL Server 2008 as .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is a SQL Server 2008 prerequisite. Wonderware Application Server 3.5 has been validated with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.
In a change from Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 no longer supports the /console switch as a means of starting the remote desktop (RDP) client, also known as Session 0 or Terminal Server Console session. In Windows Server 2008, Session 0 is no longer an interactive session, and is reserved only for Windows services. Windows Server 2008 treats all remote connections as remote RDP sessions regardless of /console, /admin, or any other switches used to make the connection.
Wonderware Application Server and InTouch detect when the application is running in the console. In Windows Server 2008 R2 it implies that the application was started by a user physically at the machine. However, this behavior requires that you disable Fast User Switching in both Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 operating systems.
Starting with Windows Server 2008 R2, the method of installing .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 has changed. This change affects the installation of Application Server 3.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 64-bit operating systems.If .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is not already installed on your system prior to installing Wonderware Application Server 3.5, you must install it manually. If you have already started the Wonderware Application Server 3.5 installation, you will need to exit, manually install .NET 3.5 SP1, then return to the Application Server 3.2 installation. For Windows Server 2008 R2 Operating Systems: To install the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, you can use the Microsoft Server Manager interface or the Microsoft Power Shell.
After the hardware and software requirements are met, including the proper operating system, SQL server and other pre-requisites, you can upgrade to Wonderware Application Server 3.5 from the following versions of Wonderware Application Server:
This section describes important known issues identified in Wonderware Application Server 3.5. L00069519: In a redundant load sharing environment, the cascade deployment of a backup platform does not deploy InTouch ViewApp instances, if the redundant AppEngine has InTouch proxy objects configured. Backup redundant object errors are logged. After the InTouch ViewApp deploy fails, it can be manually re-deployed. L00076557: Opening and closing a view window when "Advanced Communication Management" is enabled for the Galaxy may cause a different timestamp to be returned for the attribute from the DAServer, even though nothing has changed on the device. L00077487: During tag registration, Wonderware Historian discards the value for SampleCount (isSamples) provided by Application Server. Before installing Wonderware Application Server 3.1, apply Wonderware Historian 9.0 Patch 02 to resolve this issue. L00077490: Importing a client control from a Galaxy imports another version of the same client control if the other version resides in a different Galaxy on the same node. L00078221: After you migrate an Application Server 2.1 application to Application Server 3.0 or later, the wrong value is returned for the .NET ToLocalTime() function. Application Server 2.1 supports .NET 1.1, while Application Server 3.0 supports .NET 2.0. The DateTime structure in .NET 2.0 includes a new Kind property that indicates whether the time represents a local time, a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or whether UTC or local time is not specified. For more information, see the following Microsoft documentation: -us/library/system.datetime.aspx To migrate an Application Server 2.1 application to version 3.0 or higher, you must modify scripts that use the ToLocalTime() function. Use the new Kind property (DateTime.KindProperty) and specify the time before you run the ToLocalTime() function. For example:dim aTime as System.datetime;dim aTime2 as System.DateTime;aTime = me.lastpolltime;aTime = system.datetime.SpecifyKind(aTime, system.dateTimekind.utc); me.locallastpolltime = aTime.tolocaltime(); L00078446: The ArchestrA Symbol Editor stops responding when you edit the "format string" property of the "checked list box" client control. L00078465: Dates earlier to 1970 are not valid for purposes of the LogDataChangeEvent() script function. Using a date earlier than 1970 sends a warning message to the logger.Use a date on or after 1/1/1970 when using the "LogDataChangeEvent()" script. L00079595: Attempting to import a client control with the ArchestrA IDE fails if the file is located at a remote network location. Copy the client control file to the local computer where the ArchestrA IDE is installed to import operation. L00081837: The following error message appears when a non-upgraded IDE node (earlier than Wonderware Application Server 3.0 SP2) tries to connect to an upgraded Galaxy Repository node. Error message: "IDE cannot connect to remote GR node because it is an older version than this IDE version supports." L00083270: Spaces are not imported as part of the translation for the selected language. L00083909: InTouch applications receive Quality Status and Locale information from the deployed Galaxy. InTouch applications cannot receive data from an undeployed Galaxy. L00084306:StringFromTime() results are different in InTouch and Application Server. InTouch converts a timestamp given in UTC time to local time and returns the result as a string. This function takes Daylight Saving Time into account. The ArchestrA StringFromTime function still returns the time as GMT. Also, if you change the time zone while WindowViewer is running, the new time zone is not taken into consideration for script functions. On restart of the WindowViewer, the new time zone is taken into account for the script functions. This behavior occurs because time zone information is set during the view initialization. L00085806: The font used for graphics in ArchestrA symbols does not render properly in the Symbol Editor and on print outs, if the DPI of the screen or printer is less than or greater than 96-dpi. Wonderware does not support running the product in DPIs other than 96 DPI. L00086242:Unable to connect to test server nodes when using the SuiteLinkDDEClient object and trying to connect to a local server on Windows Vista. Connection is successful to the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 nodes. The issue does not occur if you put "localhost" in the node name of the DDESuiteLink DI object. L00087046: An embedded symbol is lost after swapping symbol names. VERL (Visual Element Reference List) corruption is artificially causing a circular reference. L00087247: InTouchViewApp fails to undo a checkout when there is a file-lock within the CheckOut folder. You should not attempt to check-in the InTouchViewApp. Fix the file-lock issue, and perform the "undo-checkout" again. L00087305: When you rename a referenced symbol while an object editor is open, the reference to the renamed symbol may be lost. L00087471: The background reference binding thread may stop processing because of a database connection failure. The following message is logged in the System Management Console: "Warning WWCdi CRefString(TagName Validation). Database connection is no longer valid." You must restart the aaGR.exe process to reestablish the connection to the database server. L00087752: You must restart the aaGR.exe after you import an object with a minor version increment, if the object is written in .NET.The issue may occur for ApplicationObjects written in .NET with the ApplicationObject Toolkit 3.1, versus ApplicationObjects written with an older version of the ApplicationObject Toolkit. Restart of the aaGR.exe is required if all of the following apply: DotNetAppObject version 1.0 is loaded in the Galaxy An object vendor creates a new minor version of DotNetAppObject version 1.1 An IDE user imports the new .aaPKG file with DotNetAppObject version 1.1 into the Galaxy that has DotNetAppObject 1.0 loaded.You must restart aaGR.exe for the new object to be recognized and deployed to the IDE nodes.
L00089937: Importing a major version of an object instance that is on a platform which is currently deployed will result in aaPIM logged messages. To resolve the issue, the platform hosting the object must be undeployed to clear the errors. L00092635:Application Server 3.1 SP2 will import an alarm comment file for language switching of format Galaxy_ACLSGalaxy1_2058_Alarm_Comments_Untranslated.txt but InTouch WindowMaker doesn't recognize the file. This behavior is as-designed. InTouch will only recognize file format %_AlarmComment.txt. The option to export untranslated comments was provided in Application Server in order to diagnose and verify quickly whether all translations for a specific locale have been done, and to manage or find untranslated alarm messages in large galaxies. This functionality was provided as value added for Wonderware Application Server, but was not required for InTouch. L00092675:In the alarm comment run-time language switching feature, the PhraseId can go out of sync in exported files for the same alarm message in different languages. This does not cause problems in exporting or importing alarm messages into the Galaxy, but it can lead to a failure in InTouch to switch the alarm comment language in run time. Alarms for which the PhraseId does not match between the different languages will not switch. Instead of showing the translated message, the default alarm message, in English if the Galaxy was created in English, will be displayed.The Lang.dll in InTouch has been modified to log a warning in the SMC that the current alarm message does not match across translated languages. The message recommends that you re-export all the languages of the conflicting file from the Galaxy, and re-import them to the InTouch application. The conflicting file name will be part of the message. We recommend that you keep all the translated exported language files in sync. 2ff7e9595c